Pastor and Staff Search Committee Resources
If you are part of a Pastor Search Committee, see below for resources that could help with your search. If you would like a list of current resumes that the Association has on file, please email to be granted access to that list.
Available Pastor and Staff Positions
Alice Bell is seeking to fill the position of a Music Interim or permanent position Sunday Mornings only. For more information. Contact Pastor Tim Tatum @
Bell’s Campground Baptist Church is seeking a part-time Director of Student Ministries to lead our growing youth group and their parents into a relationship with Jesus Christ and to honor Him with their lives. This leader will work with our Family Pastor in fulfilling the goals and purpose of our overall Family Ministry of growing disciples in both our middle and high school aged students. The right candidate will be able to lead a ministry team made up of volunteers, as well as be able to teach students and parents how to become followers of Christ. A detailed Job Description is found on our web site If you are interested in serving at Bell’s Campground and in the Powell community, please send your resume, references, and statement of faith to or Director of Student Ministries Search, Bell’s Campground Baptist Church, P.O. Box 958, Powell, TN 37849.
Thorn Grove Baptist Church in Strawberry Plains, Tennessee, is seeking a part time Keyboardist/Pianist for Sunday Morning Service and Wednesday Night Choir Practice. This is a paid position and the weekly time requirement is no more than 6 hours. Resumes may be submitted by mail to 10200 Thorn Grove Pike Strawberry Plains, TN or by email Audition required.
Union Baptist Church of Halls is looking for a qualified man to be their next worship pastor. Seeking someone who can craft weekly worship services in line with their values: congregational involvement, God-exalting, biblically regulated, emotionally vibrant, intentionally ordered, and spiritually formative. Please send resumes to
Gillespie Avenue Baptist Church is looking for a Bi-Vocational pastor. All resumes should be sent to Greg Warwick at
Chapel Hill Baptist Church, established in 1846 and located between Milan and Medina, Tennessee, is seeking a full-time lead pastor. The membership consists of all ages—from children to senior adults—who are actively engaged in serving not only within our church but also in the community. Chapel Hill Baptist Church has an average attendance of 270 in Sunday morning worship and affirms the Holy Bible as the Inspired Word of God and the basis for our beliefs. We voluntarily band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ and are personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind. The ordinances of the church are believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Chapel Hill Baptist Church is in good standing with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Gibson County Baptist Association. If you believe God may be calling you to serve at a church like ours, please submit a resume and short cover letter explaining why you believe God is calling you to apply by July 31, 2023 to
First Baptist Church of Knoxville is currently seeking to hire qualified individuals to work in our Preschool area on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and during other church-wide events. Experience with young children is preferable. Individuals should be dependable, on time, physically able to sit on the floor, interact with the children, and have a desire to share God's love with our preschoolers. Please send resumes, references, and questions to Susan Tatum, Minister with Children and Families at
Clear Springs Baptist Church located at 3709 Clear Springs Road, Mascot, TN 37806 is seeking a part-time Minister of Music. Our church is serious about providing meaningful opportunities to worship, Reaching people for Christ and discipling believers to maturity in Christ. We utilize a blended worship style which incorporates a Worship Choir, Praise Ensemble and Praise Band. This position will provide leadership to the complete Music Ministry of the church. If you are interested, please submit your resume at
Roseberry Baptist Church in Mascot is seeking to fill the following positions:
An interim/part-time Worship Leader to lead our choir and praise team in Sunday morning worship. This person should have a great desire to worship the Lord and exhibit an excitement in worshiping him in songs of praise and adoration. If you think you are this person and feel that God is leading you in this direction, please contact or send a resume to
A Part-time Youth Pastor to lead the Middle & High School ministry. Applicants should demonstrate a hunger for more of God and have a passion to lead the youth of our church and community into that same hunger. The overall objective of the Youth Pastor is to make Christ-like disciples of our youth, to encourage a deeper relationship with Christ, and help equip them to serve Christ through missions. Please submit resume along with a video to
Thorn Grove Baptist Church in Strawberry Plains is seeking to fill the following positions:
A Children's Director. The Children’s Director will be a person who is called by God to serve alongside the pastor, staff, and lay leaders of Thorn Grove Baptist Church. They will be a champion of the children, which in the context of Thorn Grove, includes children (grades 1-5) and young families (parents) by helping them to connect with Christ and His Church, grow in their faith, serve with purpose, and multiply through disciple-making so that they may mature into future leaders of the church (Proverbs 22:6; Colossians 1:28). Potential time commitment: 15-20 hours per week, including Sundays and Wednesday nights. A more detailed job description is available upon request.
A part time Keyboardist/Pianist for Sunday Morning Service and Wednesday Night Choir Practice. This is a paid position and the weekly time requirement is no more than 6 hours. Resumes may be submitted by mail to 10200 Thorn Grove Pike Strawberry Plains, TN or by email Audition required.
Shepherd of the Hills Baptist Church has a paid part-time Student Ministry position available. The ideal candidate will lead Sunday and Wednesday Bible studies, lead and plan youth events and retreats, and be faithful to church services. Qualifications include: being called to ministry, being committed to Christ and a growing disciple, having a call to work with students, and being Baptist. For more information, or to apply, please contact Rev. Lee Lyon at (865) 964-3504.
New Hopewell Baptist (S. Knox) is seeking a Part-time Pianist (no more than 6hrs/wk). Sunday AM worship & Wednesday praise team & choir practices. Traditional & contemporary music. Must be prepared & proficient in all elements in rehearsals and worship (choral parts; accompaniment, etc.). For greater details or to submit a resume, contact us at:
Central Baptist Church of Bearden has an opening for Senior Pastor. We are a multigenerational congregation actively involved in the community, sharing the gospel and Christ's love through service in Knoxville, TN and around the world. CBCB supports equal roles of men and women in leadership. The Senior Pastor should provide leadership, while working closely with lay leadership. The Senior Pastor should be comfortably accessible, approachable, and well-informed about our faith family to ensure the most effective ministry possible in alignment with the vision, mission and ministry practices of our church. Central Bearden partners with the SBC, CBF, and the Baptist World Alliance and adhere to the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message. Applicants can learn more about our mission, explore our
church profile, and read the full job description at Resumes should be sent to -
Trinity Baptist Church, a growing SBC congregation located in Knoxville, TN, is seeking a part-time, bi-vocational Youth and Education Pastor. Our church has a student body of approximately 65-75 school-age students. We are looking for a dedicated man to serve on our pastoral staff and who will provide leadership for our student ministry, focusing on discipleship, evangelism, volunteer management, and budget oversight. Job description and application can be found here.
Buffat Heights Baptist Church is accepting resumes for full-time Student ministry and full-time Worship leadership. Information for both of these positions can be found at
Arlington Baptist Church is currently searching for a Student Ministry Director. This person will be responsible for leading our 6th-12th grade students. This includes planning and scheduling youth activities that are geared towards reaching students in our community with the Gospel Message. We are searching for an energetic person that embraces the challenge of building a youth group that is a vital part of the church. Our church is located in a growing area and the opportunities are limitless. We are looking for someone who loves the Lord and is called to student ministry and is passionate about their calling. This position is a bi-vocational position. For a full job description, please visit our website at
First Baptist Powell is seeking to hire an Associate Pastor of Outreach who will become a staff elder who oversees First Baptist Powell’s outreach efforts in accordance with Christ’s commission “to make disciples of all nations” by cultivating a culture of bold and winsome gospel sharing. Such pastoral oversight will help to ensure that each of our outreach efforts coalesce with theological and ecclesial unity around the mission of First Baptist Powell. Moreover, the Associate Pastor of Outreach will lead in submission to First Baptist Powell’s Member Covenant and Confession (Abstract of Principles). To apply for this position, please go to this link to apply directly on our website:
Open Positions:
JobCenter Resources
Click here to download the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association Pastor Search Committee Workbook. This is an incredibly detailed workbook that could be a helpful resource for you.
The BMBA also has some helpful articles regarding resume help that you can find here